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 On October 30, 2021, The Church Without Walls held a Community Fall Festival.  This was a day for community organizations to come together to celebrate the upcoming holiday season.  Ministers Raphael and Cheryl Driver ensured there were games and activities for the entire family to enjoy.  They had an inflatable Axe Throwing game, large inflatable slides, popcorn, games and amazing Food Trucks.  

New Bethel’s Youth Department was really excited about the opportunity to be involved in this community outreach.  On October 29th, the Youth Leaders came together for a night of fun and laughs, making our very first batch of Carmel Apples.  The laughter and sharing amongst us was truly a bonding opportunity.  In between making the Carmel Apples, we made Treat Bag filled with chocolates and other delicious candy to be given away at the Fall Festival.  

At 11:15 a.m. on October 30, 2021, we all met at the church and headed for the day of activity.  Once we arrived, we popped up our tent and begin decorating our booth, there was so much joy in the air.  We saw one of our church members, Sis. Wyatt and her husband, selling her delicious treats.  There were clothing and food vendors, Christmas Toy Drive, and other organization there sharing the good news and crafts amongst other things.   NBMBC had over 140 families and children visit our booth.  The Carmel Apples decorated the night before were not for sale, they were used as a prize for a parent or kid who was able to show their mastery skills at Cornhole.  Yes, we played Cornhole!  To win a Carmel Apple kids had to sink one bean bag in the hole; they had a 1 in 4 chance and the adults had to sink two bean bags.   The excitement and smiles seen on this day were sights to behold, there was so much joy among the kids and their parents as they all cheered each other on.  This day was topped off with the presence of our Pastor and First Lady.  Yes, they both tried their luck at the game and came out victorious.  

Ministers Raphael and Cheryl Driver, thank you and your church family for allowing us to be a part of this wonderful event; the NBMBC’s Youth had an amazing time and look forward to hosting and participating in more community events in the near feature.